New residency: Newcastle College and Glow, Newcastle

Newcastle College Childcare and Teacher Training Department and Glow, Newcastle are seeking applications from artists and cultural practitioners working across socially engaged, climate conscious practices

(Photo by Simon Ray on Unsplash)


Deadline: Wednesday 17th April

Glow, Newcastle’s Cultural Education Partnership and Newcastle College Childcare Department are seeking artists or cultural practitioners working in Newcastle upon Tyne’s creative industries for a classroom-based residency.

Glow, Newcastle supports children and young people from 5 – 25 years to engage in high-quality cultural experiences in education settings and beyond.  We forge cross-sector partnerships to meet the creative needs and interests of young people in each setting and broaden the range of cultural experiences and opportunities available to them.

Newcastle College is a Further and Higher Education College, providing vocational courses, degrees and apprenticeships to young adults and adults from across the North East.  Students in the Childcare Department are developing the academic, professional and practical skills they need to train and work with young children in early years, education and social care settings, guided by  specialist lecturers, practitioners and guest facilitators.  

This residency will support one artist or organisation to lead a co-creation project with childcare students aged 16 – 18 and their teaching teams at Newcastle College’s Childcare Department.  

Fee and timescales:

20 half days @ £3000 to be scheduled in agreement with the resident artist, Newcastle College and Glow, Newcastle.  

This includes a Faculty-wide CPD session growing out of themes and approaches which emerge from the residency as having valuable applications across the wider curriculum for specialist teaching staff.  The fee includes travel to and from the venue at the main Rye Hill campus.

Themes: Building up STEAM: Create to Empower 

Glow, Newcastle and Newcastle College Childcare Department have created this residency to enable Level  1 students to experience themselves as creative practitioners.  Our aim is to inspire and motivate students to place innovation and making at the core of their own learning and development as practitioners and future educators.

We are seeking a socially engaged artist whose practice directly engages with current social themes such as climate change and pressures on resources by recrafting, recycling and repurposing everyday objects to form new items or artworks. 

Key outcomes for this residency will be:

  • Finding fun, purpose and value in co-creative activity
  • Building an understanding of the cross-disciplinary (STEAM) skills involved in creative work
  • Taking ownership of and leading aspects of the work
  • Feeling pride in project outputs as individuals and as a team
  • Completing a reflective journal and adapting ideas
  • Showing increased motivation and investment in wider learning 
  • Sharing fresh approaches with lecturers and teaching teams
  • Oracy numeracy literacy, science, tech, art

The resident artist will work alongside the regular subject specialist teaching teams to co-deliver and co-create input sessions.  They will be supported at all times by department staff who know the young people best and can advise on their needs and approaches.

We’d love to hear from artists or cultural organisations who:

  • Have worked with young adults aged 16-18 in a range of creative contexts
  • Can demonstrate an understanding of and approaches to supporting young people to:
    • build their creative risk-taking skills
    • increase their resilience and ability to experiment and accept not everything works out, that’s part of learning
    • Develop their ability to learn and work both individually and collaboratively 
    • Find personal agency and pride in their achievements
  • Can facilitate safe, stimulating co-creative environments where young people can learn to express themselves and explore their creativity in positive, constructive and empowering ways

The resident artist or organisation will deliver a CPD session to the wider departmental staff, based on themes and approaches emerging from the residency which have a wider application across the curriculum.  The work created will also feature in Glow, Newcastle’s city-wide celebration of our creative partnership outputs in the summer.  

Current DBS for child workforce and Limited Liability Insurance are essential for all applicants.  


Stage 1 

  • Planning briefing with the Newcastle Childcare Department project lead and Glow, Newcastle producer Ann Winter
  • Schedule agreed 
  • Co-creation project begins (whole project to take 20 half days – timeline to be confirmed)

Stage 2

  • Continuing Professional Development (CPD) session for the wider staff body, demonstrating your work and facilitation methods and sharing learning through your practice.
  • Co-creation project continues, focusing more on outputs and media

Stage 3

  • Celebration event sharing the output of this project with parents and carers, the wider school community and Glow, Newcastle staff and stakeholders.

Application and Interview Process

  • Submit an expression of interest highlighting your interest in this opportunity, your CV and two professional references to Glow, Newcastle Producer Ann Winter by Wednesday, 17th April 2024 
  • Include a portfolio of previous work and relevant links and / or social media handles where relevant.  Please ensure any portfolios are sent as pdfs and under 5MB to Ann 

Candidates will be shortlisted and invited to interview on Monday, 22nd April 2024.  If you can’t attend on this date, please notify us on application.

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