Call out for Trustees

Become a Trustee and help children and young people in Newcastle to glow

Glow Newcastle is a brand-new charitable organisation that has grown out of Newcastle Cultural Education Partnership making this a very exciting time to be joining us. We want to expand our Board of Trustees with people who are passionate about giving children and young people the opportunity to reach their potential. 

We are seeking to appoint trustees who have the following expertise: 

  • Charity Finance and Governance (we’re seeking a treasurer)
  • PR, Marketing and Comms
  • Equality, Diversity and Inclusion 
  • HR
  • Secondary School Leadership
  • Higher Education and Research 
  • Creative and Cultural Sector 

We are very keen to recruit young trustees (by ‘young’ in this context we mean up to the age of 30 years). 

Not all trustees need to have experience of trusteeship, we’re aiming for diversity within our board. We have membership with organisations who offer training to support you in your role and we’re a friendly team who will do everything possible to make you feel welcome. We expect that we will learn from and alongside each other. 

How to apply

If you’re interested in joining us, please email for an application pack.

About Glow, Newcastle Cultural Education Partnership

The aim of the organisation is to ensure that young people aged 0–25 in Newcastle have access to high quality cultural opportunities in and outside of school. Taking a co-creative and collaborative approach, we work to support children and young people to reach their full potential as creative, connected, active, and engaged citizens. Our mission is to develop strategic, sustainable action with, by and for children, young people and their communities across Newcastle upon Tyne.

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